German language translation

  German translation


 Are you    in need of German to  Vietnamese translation or vice versa?   Looking for the most  professional  German translation company   today?  And you    don’t want to “waste  ” money on poor quality  service, not  meeting your  wishes.  Follow     this  article  to find yourself the cheapest  professional –   quality – German   translation service  on the market  today.

  1.Should I choose between self-translation  or using  a German translation  service?

Hire   German translation  services  or translate yourself

         Many companies  that want to save  the cost  of hiring German  translation services  have used  language translation  tools  themselves to translate documents,   his German-language   material.    However, you need to  know that  self-translation  and thanks to  translation  services will have a huge  difference,  such as:

 For German self-translation 

  You  translate yourself, but   you do not have much experience  and knowledge  of  German,  which leads to non-literal  translation.    Even  the  information in the  document is   mistranslated,   affecting  the accuracy  of the record.      This  could cause bids  to be dropped.

Long   ,    confusing  expressions  with translated  words  used out of context.     This makes the document  vague, obscure.

You don’t know how   to  use  the  right office for translation

  It takes  your   time and  effort  and the    results  are not as  expected.

 For the use  of  German translation  services

The translation is by    experienced  collaborators who are knowledgeable about the German language,  so it ensures   high accuracy.

  The language is used  in the right context,  suitable for the  culture of the Germans.

   Fluent style, records, documents  show   professionalism.

 Save  time as  well as  effort in the most optimal  way.

2 . How easy or difficult  is it tochoose  German translation  services?


  The market today has many   units that support  German translation  services.  However, the   quality of  service  will be  different in each  unit you  choose.  There are    many places that   advertise aggressively  with  professional and reputable services,  but the quality of support  is not as you expect.        Therefore,  before looking for  a German  document service  to support you  , you need to  consider    a few important  factors  key below.

Since German is a language  with a  complex  structure  and abstract meaning  , you need to choose   a  professional   support service  that has seniority  in  profession.

A     translation support  service  related to  your major  is the best  option.  Because   this way  can help you  get the best translation quality.

   Reasonably   priced  German  translation  companies  are also  a way for you to save  money on this issue.      Of course, do not be greedy  but  choose  poor quality  units.  You need to   carefully consider the  price list  with the quality of  support  to  get the  most accurate  decision.

3.German  translation services  at T&C  Translation  Company.

        Translating German is  not  easy because of the  rarity of  the language,  it is difficult to find  human  resources   who   can handle the quality of translation    Specialized  in German.  However,    with the training    and   recruitment of  professional  German  translators  both at home and abroad,  T&C  Translation brings  for      customers professional –  fast –  accurate  German  translation services at the cheapest cost on the market  today:

 German translation of    marketing  disciplines:  leaflet translation,  German website    translation,..

   German translation  of law:  translation   of   marriage certificates  ,  birth   certificates,  German private records,    translation of research  documents  for work  study.

  Translation of   specialized medical  documents: maxillofacial   dentistry,   health care,  ophthalmology,…

 Translation of  economic  documents:  contracts,   transactions between  partners,   commercial   documents,..

German  book   translation

 Translation of     company documents  :  translation  of German business   licenses,  translation of     business contracts,   economic  contracts   ,   commercial  documents,…

 Translation of   financial documents: translation of   financial  statements, translation of  tax reports,  translation  of  audit     documents,  accounting,..

      Multidisciplinary    German translation:  specialized translation  of  information  technology, construction, mathematics,  physics,  construction, ships,  IT    , environment   ,…

     Notarized translation of   German  into Vietnamese, English, Chinese,  Japanese  ,  Korean,..

  Notarized German translation   at T&C


 German  Notarized   Translation Service

  T&C   Translation provides  German notarized  translation services  for  most  types of  documents  and  papers,   so  customers  can be assured  of   translation quality   our  affair.         The seals  attesting  the  translation at T&C are valid  in Vietnam as  well as Germany within the allowed validity  period.

 T&C     Translation notarized the   German translation of the following documents:

   Personal  documents such as:  identity card,  household registration book,  transcripts, school records,    driver’s license,   marriage certificate    ,  divorce certificate kiss,   resume,..

 Types of company documents  :   cooperation contract,  financial  statements,  business registration,  bidding  documents,   enterprise records,  law   documents    ,  …

  Note: If customers   need  notarized  translation  to  take it immediately, take it quickly or urgently according   to the  appointment time  , please  contact the company immediately   T&C for  consulting  support.

 How much does  German  translation cost?

  German translation   is  quite  difficult and complicated   process so coming up  with  an exact price  for German  translation   services is  not a thing  easy.  The reason is that the cost  to calculate accurately  will be based on  many factors:

 Languages that customers  need to translate

Whether the  project  completion  time is urgent or not

The difficulty of the    major required by  the customer

  Number of  documents requested by  the client 

 Therefore, if you  want to know the   exact price for your    document,  please enter  the  information in the  translation  quotation. After       receiving  the  client’s  information,  T&C  Translation’s German   translation  service   consultants will calculate  and contact   Immediately quote the price  to the customer.

+ See more  articles:  Introduction of  professional translation  company

4 .German translation process  at T&C

 T&C  Translation is a   professional   translation  service  company  that adheres to the top  stringent   quality  translation  process  in Vietnam.        Because  poor quality   or machine translations  can lead to major consequences, so  can  our      management team and translators I will keep a  close  eye on how  accurate  the translations are  .  Here  is the   German translation  process  to  complete the  project  quickly and  conveniently  for    the client

  Step 1:    Receive  German translation  documents  at the   office or  customers can  contact  our  Hotline  for free  quotation  advice

Step 2: The project   management team  will  receive the client’s  file  and  conduct  document   analysis and  then  come up with a  quick  and main    translation process  most authentic.

Step 3:    Conduct translation  combining  today’s  leading    translation  technologies such as Trados, MemoQ, Word Fast,..

Step 4: The   proofreader  will  check the  quality of the translation for the last time  before  handing it  over to   the customer

  Step 5: Deliver documents  to customers  on or  before the appointment time as committed  earlier

   Step 6: Warranty, edit  until the customer  is satisfied  according to   the company’s   policy

  5.Why should you  choose  German translation  services  at T&C Translation?

 Why  choose  German  translation  services at T&C Translation.

 T&C  Translation is    currently the  leader  in the  most  professional German translation  industry today.  With   a   team of   personnel with many years of  experience  in the profession and   receiving great  trust from  domestic and foreign customers  , Translation  CVN  promises to be a “golden  ”  name in the translation  industry  today.

 Advantages of  T&C Translation.

Our team of          translators and     interpreters  have  many years of  experience  and  have worked  at  leading  universities  in Vietnam  and abroad  .

  The translation will go through a  professional translation   process before  reaching the customer.

The company is a   ”    pioneer” in  the   field of translation  when  applying today’s leading     translation  technologies such as cloud systems. Trados. MemoQ,..

   Money-back guarantee  for customers  when the translation has errors  greater than 10%.

        The consultants  are always available on   the phone  to advise  customers  even  on holidays, holidays, Tet or outside office   hours.

There  are   other additional    services such as: notarization,  consular   legalization, copying the original,…

With the    outstanding   advantages as above,   T&C  Translation is completely confident  to bring  customers  reputable  and fast  German  translation  services   the  best quality on  the market today.   For  advice  on    German     language translation,  please  contact us immediately  for a  free  consultation 24/7 and get a quote   The most  accurate translation.

   T&C  Translation is a      prestigious German translation   company  leading the  market and in the  top 3  top quality   translation addresses  in  Vietnam today.   We always receive  very high  reviews from customers  when choosing  to  experience  the service.  In order to    get  the  current No.  1   position,  we have  constantly strived  to improve    our service  more  and more best.

 Professional  translation and interpretation  team  with many years of experience

 All Collaborators  are professional  translators

  We  currently have  a  team of  German  translators  with at least  5 years of experience.      All   are highly  specialized and  have  a deep understanding  of German identity and culture.   Therefore,   the translation quality  is not only 100%  accurate but also  easy to  understand, clear  with high logic.

 Ensure translation  on schedule

   Prestige is always a   top  priority for  T&C   Translation when  supporting German  translation services  for customers.        Therefore,  besides committing  to  the best translation quality,  we  also  ensure timely delivery.     In particular,  fast translation time will not affect  the  work of customers.

German  translation  support in a variety of fields

    German documents   of customers  in  any field  we  can  support in the  best way.   The service  is    full of translators   who are knowledgeable  in  many different  specialized fields.    Typically:  cosmetics, construction,  information technology  ,  oil and gas …   Therefore, we  will be the choice to  help customers  feel absolutely secure  with  their   choice.

    With   long-term  experience   and high  accuracy on each translation,  we are committed  to  bringing the most prestige,   professionalism and support   the  most  enthusiastic on   the market  when you  use German translation  services  at T&C  Translation.    Come to  our  T&C  Translation  to get   absolute  satisfaction with the service.

 + See more  articles:  Cheap, accurate, professional  contract translation

6.Commitments  when  using German translation  services  at T&C Translation

Commitment to translation    quality

  Coming to T&C   Translation,  customers will receive  the following benefits:

 Save   time thanks to the  most professional  translation  process   available today

 Get advice   from   professional, fast  and friendly  staff

   Save a lot  of translation  costs  by combining  today’s  leading   translation  tools  .

 The  most  accurate translation quality is reviewed  through a  process several times

Customer     information and  data are  absolutely  confidential, not disclosed  or provided  to the outside

 Ensure  work  progress, deliver documents  on time as committed  to customers

 7.How do I contact  T&C  Translation?

   If you  have any  need for German translation  services  or questions  about the   service, please  contact T&C   translation  company  immediately in the following ways:  After:

Go     directly to the head  office and office at the  address below:

Call     the Hotline number for consultants  to  support  24/7

     Leave  information  and   requests  here, consultants will  contact for   advice and quotation.

  You  can chat  directly with the   consultants in  the  lower right corner of   the screen.

 T&C  Translation is committed to   providing  customers with  quality,  fast German translation   services at the cheapest   translation  cost  in the market.        Serving  you is the  pride  and honor  of  our whole staff.  Please  contact  us  immediately.

Note: For those who are not in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City (HCM), we still accept online applications in 63 provinces in Vietnam and abroad.

8. Reasons to choose  T&C

1) Top 3    translation companies  in Hanoi

2)  24/7  support and fast  information   response in 5 minutes.

   3)  Transparent  service fee, committed  to the value  received by customers.

4) There are no   surcharges.

5)   Notarized translation   taken immediately,  fast legalization.

6) More than 3000   satisfied customers  per year.

7) Keep absolute  confidentiality of customer  information.

8) 100% receive    application results  as  committed.

 Principles of Translation  Practice

  1. Comply with  the   Terms of  confidentiality  of customer  information  and  translated documents.
  2. Ensure the time, progress and deadline of the translation  project.
  3. Always put translation quality first.

4  . Take responsibility for   translation errors,  delays.

5   . Transparency in  pricing and refunds  when mistakes occur.

  It is strictly forbidden for individuals and organizations  to   perform the following   acts:

a, Forging  a translation  company

b/ Forging  the person  requesting the notarization;

  c/ The person    requesting  the notarization  provides  false information or documents;      using  forged  or  illegally erased or  corrected  papers  or documents to request  notarization;

d/ Obstructing   notarized  translation  activities.

  e, Do not  accept   translation dossiers  of  prohibited and confidential   papers and documents.

  Fast Accurate Professional Translation   –  Cheapest  Price

(8 Translation languages  most   used by customers  at T&C: English – Chinese –  Japanese – Korean  –  German – French  –  Russian      –   Spanish  )

      *In addition,  we  also accept other services: interpretation     services,  notarized translation, original copying,   consular legalization  ,  judicial notary 


Phone: +84983026382( zalo/ whatsapp) Mr. Chris





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