PRC – Permanent Residence Card for foreigners in Vietnam

Foreigners with Vietnamese wives can apply for permanent residence in Vietnam when they meet all conditions?

Pursuant to the provisions inArticle 39 of the Law on entry, exit, transit and residence of foreigners in Vietnam 2014What about the cases considered for permanent residence as follows?

“1. Foreigners who have meritorious merits or contributions to the cause of building and defending the Vietnamese Fatherland shall be awarded medals or titles of state honor by the Vietnamese State.

  1. Foreigners being scientists or experts temporarily residing in Vietnam.
  2. Foreigners are guaranteed by their parents, spouses and children who are Vietnamese citizens permanently residing in Vietnam.
  3. Stateless persons who have temporarily resided continuously in Vietnam since 2000 or earlier.”

In clause 1,Clause 3, Article 40 of the Law on entry, exit, transit and residence of foreigners in Vietnam 2014regulation:

“1. Foreigners specified in Article 39 of this Law shall be considered for permanent residence if they have lawful residence and stable incomes to ensure their life in Vietnam.

  1. Foreigners specified in Clause 3, Article 39 of this Law who have temporarily resided in Vietnam continuously for 03 years or more.”

At Point a, Clause 2, Article 5 of Circular 31/2015/TT-BCAGuiding Regulations:

“2. Determination of the period of temporary residence in Vietnam for foreigners applying for permanent residence:

  1. a) Foreigners who have temporarily resided in Vietnam continuously for 03 years or more as prescribed in Clause 3, Article 40 of the Law are determined on the basis of entry verification marks and exit verification marks issued at border gates with a total temporary stay in Vietnam of 03 years or more in the last 04 years up to the date of submission of the regular application Stay.”

So foreigners having a Vietnamese wife, if the wife who is permanently residing in Vietnam is sponsored by her wife, she will be considered for permanent residence in Vietnam when meeting the conditionsAccommodation availablelegal, have a stable income to ensure life in Vietnam andhave temporarily resided in Vietnam continuously for 03 years or more.


What are the procedures for applying for permanent residence for foreigners whose wives are Vietnamese?

FollowArticle 41 of the Law on entry, exit, transit and residence of foreigners in Vietnam 2014stipulate settlement procedures for permanent residence as follows:

“1. A foreigner who applies for permanent residence shall carry out procedures at the immigration office. The dossier includes:

a/ An application for permanent residence;

b/ A criminal record issued by a competent authority of the country of which the person is a citizen;

c/ A note from the representative office of the country of which the person is a citizen requesting Vietnam to settle for that person’s permanent residence;

d/ A certified copy of the passport;

  1. dd) Documents proving eligibility to be considered for permanent residence specified in Article 40 of this Law;

e/ The guarantee certificate for foreigners specified in Clause 3, Article 39 of this Law.

  1. Within 04 months from the date of receipt of a complete dossier, the Minister of Public Security shall consider and decide on permanent residence; In case it is considered necessary for additional verification, it may be extended but not exceeding 02 months.
  2. Immigration authorities shall notify in writing the settlement results to the permanent residence applicant and the police of the province or centrally-run city where the foreigner applies for permanent residence.
  3. Within 05 working days from the date of receipt of the notice by the immigration authority, the police of the province or centrally-run city where the foreigner applies for permanent residence shall notify the foreigner to be settled for permanent residence.
  4. Within 03 months after receiving the notice of settlement for permanent residence, foreigners must go to the immigration management office of the police of the province or centrally-run city where the permanent residence is applied for to receive a permanent residence card.”

Accordingly, foreigners applying for permanent residence to submit dossiers include:

– Application for permanent residence according to form NA12 issued together with Circular 04/2015/TT-BCA;

– A criminal record issued by the competent authority of the country of which the person is a citizen;

– A note from the representative office of the country of which the person is a citizen requesting Vietnam to settle for that person’s permanent residence;

– Certified copy of passport;

– Documents proving eligibility to be considered for permanent residence:

+ Documents proving that they have legal residence and stable income to ensure life in Vietnam:

Lawful accommodation is a place used for living, owned or used by citizens, including houses, ships, boats, other means of mobility or other accommodation as prescribed by law (according to Clause 1 Article 2 of the Residence Law 2020).

To prove that there is a stable income in Vietnam can be through a labor contract, confirming income from the company that this person is working for.

+ In case the foreigner is sponsored by his wife who is a Vietnamese citizen who is permanently residing in Vietnam: He has temporarily resided in Vietnam continuously for 03 years or more.

To determine this temporary stay based on the entry verification stamp, the exit verification stamp issued at the border gate with a total temporary stay in Vietnam of 03 years or more in the last 04 years up to the date of submission of the permanent residence application.

– Letter of guarantee for foreigners in case of being guaranteed by the wife who is a Vietnamese citizen who is permanently residing in Vietnam according to form NA11 issued together with Circular 04/2015/TT-BCA.

The Minister of Public Security shall consider and decide on permanent residence for 04 months from the date of receipt of complete dossiers. If it is considered that additional verification is required, it may be extended but not exceeding 02 months.

The immigration authorities shall issue written warnings to the permanent residence applicant and the police of the province where the foreigner applied for permanent residence.

Foreigners must go to the immigration management office of the police of the province or centrally-run city where the permanent residence is applied for to receive a permanent residence card within 03 months from the date of receipt of the notice of settlement for permanent residence

Where should foreigners with Vietnamese wives apply for permanent residence?

The place to submit the application for settlement for permanent residence is guided byClause 3 Article 5 of Circular 31/2015/TT-BCAas follows:

“3. Place of submission of application for settlement for permanent residence:

  1. a) An applicant for permanent residence as prescribed in Clauses 1 and 2, Article 39 of the Law shall submit an application at the Immigration Department.
  2. b) The applicant for permanent residence as prescribed in Clauses 3 and 4, Article 39 of the Law shall submit the dossier at the Immigration Management Office of the Police of the province or centrally-run city where the permanent residence applicant is located.”

Accordingly, in case a foreigner is sponsored by a Vietnamese citizen’s wife who is permanently residing in Vietnam, he must submit an application at the Immigration Department of the Police of the province or centrally-run city where the permanent residence is applied.


+Foreigners must fully meet the above conditions, stay in Vietnam for 5 years with such TRC temporary residence card and declare temporary residence, not change residence.

+ The  whole process takes   2-3  months to get done for PRC( Permanent Residence  Card) from  immigration department

+ PRC( Permanent Residence  Card) is just  valid in 5 years.

All document that  both of  you need to prepare for us  as below:

1/.The husband prepares the documents:


+. Original passport – 1 notarized copy of passport

+. Marriage certificate – 1 notarized copy

+. Temporary residence registration with ward and commune police stamp

+. pdf  copy of  TRC ( 2 sides)

+. Original birth certificate – 1 notarized copy and Consular legalization – translation


2/The wife prepares the documents:


+. Original passport – 1 notarized copy of passport

+ Original CCCD – + 1 notarized copy

+ Original Marriage registration + 1 notarized copy

+ Guarantee papers NA7 and NA 8 are prepared by our company and sent to your wife to sign and ask for a ward police stamp to sponsor her husband to apply for TRC.( my partner  will prepare for  you)

+ Original household registration book

+ Original wife’s birth certificate – 1 notarized copy


Phone: +84983026382( zalo/whatsapp) Mr. Chris





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